
Posted by Debbie on Monday, January 12, 2009 10:53 am

   These days. when a Christian tries to tell a non-believer that they have need of a Savior, they are called "intolerant", or worse yet, they are told that such talk is "hate speech".  Our motives are thought to be those of a self-righteous bigot who tries to force their own values on others.  Nothing could be farther from the truth!  A true Christian sees that their fellow man is traveling on a course for death and destruction, and tries to help them see where the road they are one will ultimately lead them, so that they can change their course and not perish.  It is out of love and concern for their very souls that Christians are lead to witness to others.

    Imagine that you and I have adjoining property.  We both have wells that are at the same depth and draw from the same source.  I start noticing a slight decline in my health and decide to have my well water tested.  The tests show that there are significant levels of arsenic in the water.  I immediately stop drinking it and start drinking bottled water.  I also try to warn you that you need to stop drinking the well water and switch to a pure source.  You  tell me that there is nothing wrong with the well water, that you feel just fine.  I am an extremist and am worrying about nothing. I try to tell you of the danger you are exposing yourself and your family to by continuing to drink from a polluted well.  Now you get angry and say that Ithink I'm better than you and that I'm a know-it-all and to leave you alone.  You don't believe there is anything wrong with the water you are drinking and because you don't want to change because buying bottled water is a pain and inconvenient, you just aren't going to do it.  Every time I try to convince you, you get madder and madder.

     What is the eventual outcome of this scenario?  You feel you are in the right and won't let anyone tell you how to live your own life, all the while the arsenic poisons you until you are dead.

    Is warning you of the dangers of your actions intolerant?  It it motivated by hate or a desire to feel superior to you or dictate your actions?  No!

    For a look at our current society and the path it is leading to, please read the first chapter of the book of Romans.  If you don't see our world today, than perhaps the arsenic has already poisoned you to the point that you cannot see the truth.  If you do see it, then stop drinking from that polluted well and go to a source of pure water.  That source is Jesus.



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