He is Risen!

Posted by Debbie on Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:45 am

Today is Ressurection Sunday.  This is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Many people consider Christ's death on the cross as a loss.  Indeed, that ANYshould die while innocent is a tragedy.  However, Jesus Himself said that no one took His life, but that He laid it down Himself for us, so that we could be forgivenand, through His grace, be saved.  No longer would man be separated from God by our sin.  So, when viewed from that perspective, Jesus's death on the cross was a victory.


To learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and othertopics, why not try these sites of my favorite ministries:  Chuck Missler's Koinania House-www.khouse.org, Jan Markell's Olive Tree Ministries- wwwolivetreeviews.org, David Reagan's Lamb Lion Ministries- www.lamblion.org.


On a sad note, I went out to the coop this morning and found one of my hens dead.  She was sitting in the nesting box. I don't know what she died of, there was no sign of trauma.  She was just over 2 years old.  I'll be watching the rest of the flock closely.


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