Coming Soon-Goats!

Posted by Debbie on Friday, May 15, 2009 01:14 pm

I am SO excited!  My wonderful husband surprised me by starting to build another pen.  I asked what it was for and he told me that he's getting me two baby goats!  Boy and girl Nigerian Pigmy goats.  they were born last week.  The boy will be wethered before we get him (fixed), and they will most likely be debudded as well.  I'm told they are both pure white. 

Sparrow and Hilary have been hard at work building the pen and designing the goat house.  I'm reading up on goats and making lists for needed equipment and supplies.

Meanwhile, my turkey hen, Drumstick, is back to her old sweet self and laying many eggs.  One of the new chickens went broody and I had to scoot her off the single egg she was sitting on.  Turned out not even to  be fertilized.  She was really mad, but she'll get over it.  Got a shell-less egg today for the first time ever.  Pefectly intact membrane.  Zoe ate it.

Sniffers got a much needed hair cut yesterday, although he wouldn't let me finish the job.  I still have to do his underbelly, paws and finish his face. His ear is still oozing.  I think the vet ought to do a culture instead of just giving him antibiotics that don't work.

My tomatos are doing great and I've already gotten one eggplant.  The veggies on the West side of the house aren't doing that good this year.  something keeps snacking on them.

I'm ALMOST over being sick.  I've been ill for almost 2 whole months now.  I'm pretty sure it's walking pneumonia.  Still some congestion in my left lung and I'm REALLY tired.  but, at least I'm not coughing constantly anymore.

So that's the lasted from down on the farm. Keep checking back for goat pics!



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