Love those goats!

Posted by Debbie on Thursday, July 16, 2009 06:46 pm

We've had the goats for over a month now and we are still in love with the little guys.  Nick has been wethered and is doing fine after a few days of not feeling so good.  Molly has become the dominant one of the two and I'm starting to think we should have named her Miss Piggy!  She eats like she's getting ready for a hard winter and even pushes Nick away from his bottle or grabs food from his mouth.  Meanwhile, Nick is losing his mania for animal crackers and instead gobbles up oak leaves.

After letting thm out to run and wear off some of that excess energy, and then having to carry them back to the pen because they'd rather stay out, we've decided to expand their pen.  Sparrow bought fencing today and it should be done tomorrow.  He's going to build them a tree house/play yard.  Their pen will be almost 5 times bigger than it is now so they should be able to run some.

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