Goodbye Drumstick

Posted by Debbie on Tuesday, August 4, 2009 05:42 pm

Never thought her life would end this way.  Drumstick, our beloved Broad Breasted Bronze turkey hen, was killed today by the neighbor's dog.  Ginger, the dog, a mixed breed of I THINK Pitt Bull and Golden Retriever, dug under the fence and took off after the chickens and Drumstick.  sparrow had just let them out to free-range for the day and then went to the grocery store.  I was in my PJs drinking coffee and reading emails when I heard a commotion.  Judging by the amount of feathers all over the yard, you'd think I had lost at least 5 of the hens.  Turns out that only Daisy, our largest Buff Orpington hen, got roughed up.  The others scattered.  Poor Drumstick was too big and slow to get away.  I found her hiding in a brush pile, her tail end devoid of skin and some of her organs exposed.  Sparrow had to put her out of her misery.

Drumstick was one of those rare animals that seem to have a bond with you that makes them more than just a pet.  She came when called, heeled, loved to be petted, and when she was younger and lighter, would jump up and down, wag her tail and bark with excitement when she saw you.  Even though turkeys are seasonal layers, Drumstick continued to lay every few days all spring and summer.  I still have some of her eggs in the fridge.  I doubt I will ever have another bird like her and she will be sorely missed.

Goodbye, my dear Drumstick.  I love you.

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