Eagerly awaiting autumn

Posted by Debbie on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:13 am

September is half over and I am SO looking forward to cooler weather!  Autumn has always been my favorite season.  I love the blazing colors of changing leaves, the crisp air and the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot.  The sunshine is more at an angle, making for longer shadows and a golden hue.

 Too bad I live in Florida.

Autumn in Florida is more or less an extension of summer.  Usually it isn't until about mid to late October that the humidity abates and the air gets decidedly cooler.  This year, however, I detect subtle changes that portend an early autumn and winter. The breezes have a coolness that is unheard of in florida summers.  Yes, it's still pretty hot in the sun and there is still a considerable bit of moistness in the air.  Still, when the wind is blowing ant you're in the shade, it gets almost chilly.  At night I have been getting downright cold and have gotten out my long sleeved PJs.

There are other things that indicate an early fall.  the leaves on the China Berry trees started falling in mid July. The chickens started molting in early August, the water lilies started dying back, and the acorns seem to be falling off the trees while they're still green.  That's something I've never seen before.

I love cooler weather!  I like to be able to walk outside and not feel like I've just wandered into a sauna.  It's actually bearable doing outside chores.  The first really cool day will find me weeding my vegetable garden and preparing it for spring.  Now that we have lots of hay sprinkled with goat berries, I'm going to till that into the soil and let it rest over the winter.  This spring's yield wasn't even worth the effort.

Meanwhile, I can't get the Christmas music out of my head. When the sun sets a more southerly course, the shift in light sets me thinking of the holidays.  Money is going to be tight this year, so homemade gifts will be the order of the day.  Hopefully the shipping costs won't be too prohibitive, otherwise folks will get pictures of what they would have gotten via e-mail!

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