Standing for What Is Right

Posted by Debbie on Sunday, May 2, 2010 11:29 am

I've just gotten home from church where my pastor spoke about getting criticism from people about what and how he teaches the Word of God.  In this era of the emergent church, the apostate church, and political correctness gone nuts, having a pastor who isn't afraid to preach the undiluted Word of God is a rarity and a breath of fresh air.  Our church may not have all the bells and whistles of a mega church.  We don't have a music ministry that tries to be like the world.  What our members lack in musical talent, they make up for in spirit and love.

There can be no doubt we are in the end time apostasy that Jesus warned about.  More and more, people want to have their ears tickled and they want a feel-good message.  They want to be entertained at church and they don't want to hear about sin, or hell, or living for Christ.  They want to know what God will do for them and even that they can be their own god.  My pastor speaks the truth in love.  Yet, because he isn't falling in step with what the world considers "church" should be, he's been targeted as being unloving and narrow minded.  I'll take his honest teaching any day!  Too many pastors today think their job is to entertain the goats when they are really supposed to be feeding the sheep.  Church is supposed to be a place where the sheep go to be fed and to learn how to make disciples.  Watering down the word, or taking out the hard parts so it will go down easier doesn't help anyone.

So, I ask that you pray for my pastor and those like him.  Pray also for healing for my pastor, who is battling cancer.  Through it all, he keeps his eyes on Jesus and refuses to bend to the ever changing views of the world.

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