The Deception of Glenn Beck and Mormonism

Posted by Debbie on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 08:31 pm

I am so grieved to even write this.  I am a long-time listener of Glenn Beck.  I listened to him on WFLA radio when he was just a disc jockey.I like Glenn Beck.  I appreciate his speaking out on political issues.  However, he has left politics and is now preaching his Mormonism under the guise of ecumenism and patriotism.  This is extremely dangerous to those who do not know what they believe. 

Mormonism is NOT Christian!  They use the same terminology but with totally different meanings.  The Jesus of the Bible is NOT the Jesus of Mormonism.  I won't go into all that Mormons believe here, that you can do your own research on.  But I am warning those who don't know the Bible, who lack discernment, DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN!  Be like the Bereans, check everything you hear with the bible.  Jesus warned more than anything about being deceived in the end times.  Many christs would come  claiming to be Him.  Many would claim to be gods.  what do Mormons and New agers have in common?  they all claim you are and can be god.  Oprah Winfrey's preaching The Secret and now Glenn Beck telling us to be the I Am, which is the name of God, is all part of the same lie that Satan used on Eve.  The bible says that in the end times apostasy would reach such epoch proportions that even the elect may be deceived, if possible. We are in those times.  I am saddened to see many so-called Evangelicals falling for what Glenn Beck is espousing as well as those like Rick Warren and his social justice leanings.  Meanwhile, the true remnant is being called hateful, intolerant, devisive, exclusive, and standing in the way of paradise.

Jesus said that when you begin to see the signs of the end times approaching that it would happen quickly and like birth pains.  As the mother of two, I know what birth pains are like.  judging by all that is happening in the world, I would say that the actual birth is immenent.  For true Christians, that is the rapture of the church.   I can only say to that, Maranatha!  It grieves me to see so many people fall away and blindly following the lie. I feel like God is shaking the tree to loosen all those who are not true followers of Christ.  I'm hanging on but getting a bit dizzy from the shaking!

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