What's wrong with compromise?

Posted by Debbie on Friday, June 3, 2011 01:53 pm

I went to breakfast with my mother today.  On the way home we passed a Kingdom Hall.  My mother, who is a converted Roman Catholic,  mentioned that they are sincere in their beliefs and I need to be more tolerantof other people's faith.  She intimated that my faith is no better or worse than anyone elses.  The problem is, not all faiths are the RIGHT faith.  How does one judge what is the RIGHT faith what is wrong?  If you believe in God, you have to believe that He is capable of communicating with His creation. 

The Bible, as we know it, has remained basically unchanged throughout history.  With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we were able to determine that the scriptures we have now are nearly identical to those of the earliest manuscripts.  What few changes there are are more spelling and minor grammatical errors.  Furthermore, the Holy Spirit has left His fingerprints all over the books.  As my favorite Bible teacher, Chuck Missler, says, we have 66 books, written by 40 authors over thousands of years and yet, it is an integrated message system from outside our time domain.  One could eaqsily write a book documenting things in the Bible that could not have been put in there except by divine intercession and influence.  It is the only holy book that has a 100% accurate track record of fulfilled prophecies.

So, in light of the above, I put my faith in the God of the Bible and His son, Yeshua(Jesus).  If the Bible IS the inerrant word of God, then, what it says must be true.   Jesus said in John 14:6,"I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life. NO ONE comes to the Father BUT BY ME."  Therefore, all other faiths that do not claim Christ as the ONLY way to God and salvation, are wrong faiths.  And just because someone claims to believe in Jesus doesn't mean they are talking about the Jesus of the Bible.

Now, as sincere as the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and Buddists and other religions are, they are sincerely wrong.  If we compromise to be more inclusive and tolerant, what are we really doing?  We are sending the message that it doesn't really matter what you believe, thaqt all roads lead to God.  We can be loving to those being deceived so we don't hurt their feelings or seem unyielding, but we run the risk of loving them all the way to hell.  It's like having a well that has poison in it.  It may not even have a lot of poison, just a tiny bit, but if people keep drinking from it, they are going to die.  It may be the well they grew up drinking from and their parents and grandparents drank from it, too and they seemed fine(until they died), but are we being kind by not warning them of the danger?

Compromising to get along with others of other faiths may seem loving, but to compromise, you have to water down the Word of God. You have to not tell them the whole truth.  By doing so, we are as bad as someone who stand by an watches someone in a burning house or car and does notheing.  I know the bridge is out up ahead and I see cars heading that way, yet I don't warn them.  Their blood is on my head then.

God makes us reponsible to tell them their are going down the path to destruction.  Whether or not they heed the warning is not up to us, but, as long as we cared enough to warn them, we are blameless if they choose not to turn back.

It's like being a parent.  You children sometimes want things or to do things that is dangerous for them.   It looks really goodto them, but you know it's not.  They may get mad at you for saying no.  They may even hate you for it.  But do you NOT tell them ? Do we compromise and say,"Well, little Johnny, you can play on the freeway, just not during rush hour?"


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