Treating the symptoms and not the illness

Posted by Debbie on Saturday, July 30, 2011 09:34 am

The governor of Texas is going to have a prayer event calledm The Response. At this event will be representatives of different faiths and many from the New apostolic movement and the prosperity gospel.  On the surface, getting together to pray seems harmless. The Tea Party movement strives to change society by legislation.  So many Christians are jumping on board to take the country back.  Again, on the surface, a good idea.  The problem is that locking hands with people of other faiths and false religions does nothing to attack the root problem.  The root problem is that people are not saved and living their lives according to the teachings of Christ.  If you change a person's heart, you will change their behavior.  Trying to change their behavior in the hopes of changing their hearts just doesn't work.

Jesus said you don't put new wine in old wineskins or wash only the oustide of dishes.  Making people behave one way on the outside when their hearts are still lost accomplishes nothing.

So, yes, we should vote and participate in government, but don't think that  legislation will save souls.  Don't join hands with unbelievers and give credence to their faith and causes just to get them on board with your politics.  We MUST stay true to the Gospel and to the true salvation found only in JesusChrist!



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