I'm a Grandma!

Posted by Debbie on Saturday, August 16, 2008 03:29 pm

My chickens are having babies! One hen, Rose, decided to sit on some eggs. she's been sitting on nearly 20! Chick # 5 just hatched and there's more on the way! I really hadn't planned on having more chickens.

I already have 11 of them and they provide more than enough eggs. Of course, egg production slows after a couple of years and mine are about 18months old already. The ususal practice is to add to the flock every year or two and stew the older ones. I don't think I can do that, though. I had no trouble when it was time to do in our tom turkey, Wishbone. He had attacked me more than once causing bruises and cuts, even through my blue jeans. He was asking for it. But my chickens are sweet and I love watching their antics. Drumstick, my turkey hen, has more personality than all my chickens combined. There's NO WAY I'd ever make her into a meal. As for all these chicks, I always wanted to be a Grandma. I feel like one now.

New pictures in the Chickens menu, and new video in Movies (on the left)

Since we didn't plan on breeding and frankly, I didn't think Rose would stick it out, we didn't prepare a place for her to hatch out eggs away from the rest of the flock. Since chickens have been known to eat hatchlings, I thought it best to remove them from the coop and set up the brooder. Rose seems to know that I'm looking out for the chicks. She pecks at me if I touch the unhatched eggs, but allows me to take the chicks. So we now hear the pitter patter of little feet in the brooder and the soothing sounds of contented chicks.

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