The Narrow Gate

Posted by Debbie on Monday, October 8, 2012 09:01 am

Jesus said the way to destruction is wide and many are those who follow it.  Conversely, the way to god is through the straight and narrow gate.  Let's consider what this means.  Jesus is the gate.  It is narrow, meaning that only one person at a time can go through it.  This means that you cannot go through it on the merits of anyone else.  You cannot bring anyone else through the gate with you, either.  Each one of us must decide to go through that gate for ourselves.

So, you go to church every week.  You were baptized as a baby.  You consider yourself a "good" person.  You and millions of others have this in common.  You see a wide gate through which millions of others are going through.  do you follow the masses?  Do you rely on the fact that you were raised a Christian, or that you are basically a good person?  No.  Each of us must realsize that we are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God.   To go to heaven, we have to admit that we are sinners, that we can never merit God's forgiveness on our own, that we need a savior.  God sent His only son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sins.  Only His perfect sacrifice will allow us to enter through that narrow gate.  We must, each of us, make the decision to accept what Christ has done for us and choose to follow Him.  there is no other path, no other savior, no other possible means to the desired end.  We cannot go through on the merits of anyone else.  And, once we've chosen a path and gone through the gate, no amount of prayers can change that.

Please, don't go with the path that is most popular, most appealing to the flesh.  go on the only path that leads to life.  Jesus. 

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