Who's to Blame?

Posted by Debbie on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 08:01 am

We live in a culture that likes to take blame away from people for just about everything.  Oh, he killed so and so because of the terrible conditions he grew up in.  She abuses her children because she was abused.  He get drunk all the time because he has an illness.  She is attracted to same sex relationships because she was born that way.  No one is held accountable for anything they do anymore.  Children who rebel or make mistakes blame their parents.

Even though we live in such a culture, that doesn't change the fact that we make our own decisions in life.  We choose to drink and drive.  We choose to log on to that porn site.   We choose to commit whatever crime or sin.  It doesn't matter what happens in your life, YOU are the one finally responsible for your own actions and decisions!  Stop blaming others!

Yes, there are things that happen beyond our control.  However, how we respond to those things is up to us.  If you get fired you can choose to sit at home and complain about how unfair the world is or you can pick yourself up and look for another job.  No jobs out there?  Maybe not something you particularly want to do, but you can always find SOMETHING to do.  Just remember, nothing has to be permanent.

We all sin and fall short of the glory of God.  the only way to rise above that is to humble yourself before God.  Take responsibility for your own actions and decisions.  Admit you have done wrong.  Ask God for forgiveness and make the decision to not make the same mistakes.  we all can slip and fall, but you need to not remain down.  Get up and try not to fall anymore.  with God, all things are possible.  If you turn to Jesus, He will give you the strength you need to overcome anything.  the trick is to stop leaning on yourself for help.  Own up to your sins, realize that by yourself you cannot overcome sin and trust in Jesus to show you the way out of sin.

So, you say you've tried that and keep sinning so you guess God has just destined you for sin?  I say that you never really trusted in Him.  If you find you still WANT to do those things, you don't really have christ in you.  If you really don't want to sin and find it impossible to not sin, perhaps you keep putting yourself in situations that make it hard not to sin.  there's an old saying, if you sleep with dogs, you'll get fleas.  Stop sleeping with dogs!

The bible says that god will give those who put their faith and trust in him a way to escape temptation, but you have to stop putting yourself in temptation's way.  This goes back to who is REALLY to blame.   It's time for people to stop trying to blame others or their circumstances for all their problems and take a good hard look in the mirror.  Repentance is the act of stopping and turning away from sin.  We can't do it alone, though.  We need Jesus. 

Don't continue in your sin. Stop, drop and pray. Give yourself to Him and He will take away your sin and give you strength to say no to temptation.  Stop filling your mind with things that are not of God.  Fill your mind with the Word of God and you will find that what the bible says is true:  faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

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