Sticks and Stones

Posted by Debbie on Monday, April 7, 2014 08:37 am

When I was growing up, there was a common saying,"Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me."  This is a saying that, while perhaps, on face value, is not true, but in essence, is very true.  Yes, our feelings can be hurt by words, but words do not do physical harm, and learning to take hurtful words can build our strength and resolve.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

However, this current generation has been taught that nothing should ever hurt you emotionally, that nothing is their fault, that they are entitled to a life where nothing ever hurts their feelings or makes them uncomfortable.  The problem with this is that, in a free society, people will say things that we don't agree with or might make us uncomfortable or offend us.  That's the nature of the beast.  when we start stiffling free speech because we might offend someone, then there is no "free" speech.  there will always be people with whom we don't agree.  People are different and have different values.

What I find to be most alarming is that  those who used to be in the minority are now seeing to it that those who dissagree with their point of view can no longer speak out, and if they do, they are called intolerant or hateful and, in the case of the CEO of Mozilla,"dangerous".  Whatever happened to sticks and stones? It is frightening to think that America, the "land of the free", is fast becoming a land where if you don't agree with the popular thinking, you will be punished by not being able to work and even by being sued or imprisioned for "wrong thinking".  We are fast becoming like Soviet Russia!

Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin is taking over the Ukraine and has set his sights for any country that might have Russians living there to take over as well.  No one seems willing to try to stop him, either.  Could it be that our modern society has become so much like that of Soviet Russia that we see no difference and no longer have the desire to fight for liberty and personal and national freedom?  If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

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