Christian persecution

Posted by Debbie on Monday, January 5, 2015 11:34 am

Happy New Year to all!  It is becoming even more clear that Christians are fast becoming THE group targeted for persecution in the new year.  Newsweek's cover story attacking the bible and, more pointedly, Evangelical Christians, is just the tip of the iceberg.

It should be no surprise to learn  that Christians in Islamic and communist countries are not only suffering hard persecution , but outright genocide. But, in Western cultures, Chriatians are fast becoming the target of special interest groups and legislation making sharing the Gospel and preaching the true Word of God not only illegal, but in most cases "morally" wrong.

So, what are we Christians to do?  I would be so easy to just try to keep our mouths shut and  not let anyone know what we believe, indeed, one 16 year old in my apologetics class said he likes that no one at school knows he's a Chriuatian.  But is that what Christ wants?  He said we must proclaim the Godspel to EVERY creature and that if we are ashamed of Him, He will be so of us.  It's time to get off the fence and make a stand for Christ!

The apostles praised God that they were found worthy to suffer for Christ.  May we follow in their footsteps!  Theworld is getting darker and more eveil by the minute.  christians are to be salt and light.  Jesus said we were not to hide our light under a bushel.  If we are to lead others to Christ before His return, we have to step out from under the bushel and let our light shine forth.  Make no apologies for being a follower of Jesus.  Stop keeping your mouth closed when you have the chance to defend the faith,

We must be careful, however, not to come across as harsh.  Above all, we must project the love of God, and because we love others, we must show them that our sharing of the faith comes from a sincere desire to lead them to the Light.

Be prepared, Brethern, to be the target of soft and increasingly hard persecution. Pray that the Holy spirit will help you to be bold and to trust on Jesus.

It is my fervent desire to be more like Christ in the new year and to walk fearlessly in the Light and share the Good News with all I meet.  The time for the harvest is drawing to a close.  Lets work tirelessly in the fields we go through in our daily lives and bring others to Him.. In doing so, we not only bring others to Christ, but we hasten His return.




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