The Way I See It

Posted by Debbie on Sunday, September 14, 2008 06:34 pm

The up-coming presidential election is a sign of the duality of our current nation and society.  We have a far left candidate and candidate who is far right leaning. 

We seem too polarizing and there seems to be less and less middle ground.  The left champions tolerance (except for conservitives), more rights for gays and others whose lifestyles have for millenia been considered immoral and distructive, the killing of babies while in their mothers' wombs, globalism and socialism. 

The right clings to the Judeo-Christian ethic, sanctity of human life, marriage between a man and a woman, traditional family values and nationalism and capitalism.  Each side believes they are right and the other side is wrong.  The world views could not be more opposite.  Politically the lines have been drawn and I think this will be the most important election in the history of our nation.  It will determine more than just which political party will have power, but which world view will prevail. 

Not since the Civil War has there been such polarized views.  The future course of our country and our society may well be decided this November.  It's as if the political, religious and societial views are being threshed.  The wheat and the chaff are being separated. I believe God is doing the threshing.  What will you be?  Wheat or chaff?

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