Trusting in God/ Happy birthday, Daniel

Posted by Debbie on Thursday, October 15, 2015 01:41 pm

Trusting in God doesn't always come easy, but He puts us in situations where we have no choice     but to trust in Him.  I found myself in such a position a few months ago.  Sparrow was diagnosed  with colon cancer and underwent surgery to remove it.  The surgery went well and all the cancer was removed, Praise God! However, he had an allergic reaction to one of the post-op meds and his heart went into a-fib and he basically had a heart attack for a day and a half. 

Then, after only being home 4 days, he sneezed violently and tore his internal sutures and had to have emergency surgery This time, he had to have part of his colon removed and a temporary colostomy. 

 Then, when he was going to be discharged with an open wound, for which I had to have our bed and bath completely sterilized, he began swelling internally, tore more sutures and apparently some of his     colon and small intestines had died. He had to have yet another emergency surgery and because of fecal matter in the periteum, he contracted a really bad strain of E-Coli. Plus, during this time, the hospital was not giving him his MS drugs. Because of all of this, he started slipping into a coma. My beautiful, wonderful, brilliant      husband of 33 years didn't even know who I was.  I had nearly lost him more than once physically and now he was slipping away mentally. 

I have never in my life felt such despair! The one person in the world I would have turned to for support was the person who was slipping from me. Of course, my family, Sparrow's, family, especially his dad, and my church were there for me.  But I felt like was in the middle of the ocean in a terrible storm, being tossed about by huge waves, with lightning crashing all around me and nothing to hold onto. I cried out to Jesus to just hold me.

All during this terrible ordeal, I just kept hearing His voice asking me, "Do you trust Me?"  All I could do was cling to Him and His promises that He was in control, and whatever the outcome, He was there and He would work things out according to His plan and His will for our lives. Sparrow started slipping into the coma on Wednesday.  By Saturday, he could only grunt and had lost  control of his bodily functions.  When I looked into his eyes, there was nothing there. 

I called our daughter, J'amie,in Maryland that night to tell her.  She prayed,"In Jesus name tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, no, 10:30, he's going to open his eyes and it's going to be like he just woke up from a bad dream.  And I'm not going to accept any other outcome!  I pray this in Jesus' holy name. Amen!"  I agreed with her in prayer.             

The next day, I arrived at the hospital at 10:15.  They had taken him to have an MRI to check for a stroke. They broght him back to the room at 10:29.  At 10:30, he opened his eyes and said, "This is       weird!"  I asked,"What's weird?"  He said,"This is so weird!  It's like I just woke up from a bad dream." When the nurse came in I told her, "He's back!"  She didn't believe me until she talked to him a few minutes, then she shook his hand and said,"Welcome back, Bud!"  He asked what she meant.  She replied, "You don't understand.  You've been GONE the last few days!" All his doctors and nurses and other hospital staff were astounded by his recovery!  I even asked his Muslim neurologist if in his professional opinion he thought Sparrow's sudden recovery was due to his receiving his MS drugs the night before, he said no.  Was it the fact he was getting the treatment for the E-Coli? No.Could it be the MRI, with the magnets? Interesting theory, but no. I told him the story of our daughter's prayer and declared I believed it was Jesus, he said he was prepared to say it was a coincidence..

Since that wonderful miracle, God has been faithful in other things since I have been trusting in Him.  I had my yearly mammogram, or as I call it, my yearly boob squishing.Beforehand, I prayed that they wouldn't find anything. As I had it, you can now see the image as they take it. 

I didn't believe it was my breasts because there was no scar tissue, no densities, no cysts, nothing!  I have had 2 surgeries and lots of other problems and I have the films of my past mammograms.  These looked nothing like them. But, When I looked closer, I could see the structural abnormalities that I have, so I knew I was looking at my breasts. 

God not only let them not find anything new, He took away all the old scars and problems! Plus, I have had a problem with my weight all my life. I have many other health problems and have always used them as an excuse for my weight.  I repented of that and asked for His forgiveness.  I asked Him to change me and my        relationship to food.  Since then I no longer have cravings.  I don't even like chocolate anymore!  I've started losing        weight and have lost 30 pounds in 3 months without even trying! God has been faithful to change me! I even prayed that He would help me to be able to withstand the heat of the Florida summers and so far, I'm not having a problem.

Of course, we've had so much rain, we haven't had the super high temps yet, but I'm trusting Him.  I've even been doing yard work in the middle of the day!

So, what Have I learned from all this?  God wants us to trust Him in ALL things!  Lean on Him and not ourselves. When we do, He will do marvelous things.  The best is that He gave me back my husband!  On another note, I want to wish our son Daniel a very happy 31st birthday.  Daniel, we love you very much and hope you         are well and happy 

P.S.  The A/C on our 12 year old van just blew up  It would cost more to fix it than the van is worth.  So, I am just going to trust that God will provide.  Meanwhile, it's window's down and pray it soesn't rain while we're driving.

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Sexual rights over Religious rights

Posted by Debbie on Thursday, August 13, 2015 02:52 pm

Poor Indiana.  The governor signed a law protecting religious rights and he's being crucified by the liberal media and the gay rights attack dogs.  What the rabid left wingers fail to acknowledge is that then president Bill clinton signed the same law during his administration and that many other states have already signed into law.

In this world today, having deeply held religious beliefs that may make it morally wrong for a business to provide services to someone who wants to use their services for an event that is against their beliefs is considered not only intolerant but criminal.  This seems to only be the case when a Christian refuses to participate in a same sex marriage ceremony.  I doubt that even the far left liberals would have a problem with a Jewish caterer refusing to  provide their services to a Neo-Nazi group, but if they are talking about Christians refusing gays, they are ready to break out the torches and pitchforks.

It seems that in today's upsidedown morality, you cannot even think that sin is wrong without being labeled hateful.  We not only have to be tolerant of, but we have to embrace sexual sin.

So, not only are Christians being exterminated in Muslim countries, we're being marginalized and demonized in the so called "enlightened" Western cultures.  It is only a matter of time before it will be illegal to be a follower of Christ.  And when that day comes, I will proudly stand with and for my Lord and Savior and gladly suffer persecution, even unto death.


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