September 15, 2008
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One of the new chicks perched on an old pool ladder we have in the pen.
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Poor Drumstick, she's lost most of her feathers! She's molting, growing her winter feathers. Everytime she shakes, feathers fly everywhere. I guess she's going to need some sun block soon! | |
September 6, 2008 | |
Sparrow built a chicken excluder fence to keep the big birds away from the chick feed! | |
New chicks, out in the pen and ready to grow! | |
August 14, 2008 More chickens in the coop. Our hen, Rose got broody and wanted to sit on some eggs, so I let her. The result is 8 new chicks! Here's a couple pictures. She's sitting on a couple of more eggs as well so our chicken population is growing... | |
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They sure are cute! 3 of the 8 new chicks.
2007 Chicken Pictures
There be chickens in the bathtub! Feb 21, 2007 I got my first 10 chicks. I'm brooding them in my 6 foot diameter garden bathtub in the master bathroom. I purchased 6 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Americanas. The Americanas are also known as Easter Eggers because they can lay eggs that are blue, green, yellow etc.
March 29, 2007 I picked up 4 new chicks to make up for the 3 I'd lost over the last week. The new chicks are one each of: Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Barred Rock and a Buff Cochin. That'll make 11 chickens in the pen when they're all grown up.
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Chickens are out of the bathtub! Here they're getting used to their new coop!
Here's the chicken yard, with the netting over the top to prevent any hawks from eating my chickens.
Offering up some table scraps of carrot shavings. They seem to really like them!
3 weeks old
Eating at the feeder
This hen is just hanging out
They love to be held and have their heads scratched!
Any place they can find to sit, they sit.
Resting under the coop!
A nice safe place to catch a nap.
I make a nice perch I guess. Here's one flying up to visit!
Made it up! |
May 2007 Chicken Pictures
Comb is starting to grow.
Just hanging out.
That's one pretty bird!
July 3, 2007
Our First Egg!
I checked the hen house this afternoon, and look what I found! Our very first chicken egg. It's a bit on the small side, but I'm sure that'll change.
July 16, 2007
One of our hens ended up being a rooster, so I guess our eggs won't be Kosher! (Eggs get pulled out and put in the fridge as soon as they're laid anyway)
August 3, 2007
"I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am!"
A days eggs, showing a pale blue and green egg in the mix!
January 24, 2008 Finds Henry perched on the handrail to the wheelchair ramp!
December 28, 2018 - Good-bye Old Bird
Our almost 12 year old rooster Henry, didn't come out of the coop this morning.
We opened the coop door to find that he had passed away during the night.
Henry was such a genleman to his hens, always waiting for them to eat
before he ate etc.
We'll sure miss his crowing in the morning.